Business Management and Administration » Middle School CTE

Middle School CTE

Middle School Career and Technology
Debra Heyward-White

(Middle School CTE Instructor)

Middle school prepare students to build and develop skills necessary for the work environment. Exploring Career Clusters (Our sixth-grade CTE class), Digital Literacy (Our seventh-grade CTE class), and Fundamentals of Computing (Our eighth-grade CTE class) all allow students to explore, evaluate, create and develop computational skills which will empower them for high school, college, and career readiness. The Upon the successful completion of Fundamentals of Computing class, our eighth graders receive a high school credit which also satisfies the requirements for the computer science credit needed for graduation.


As the middle school CTE Instructor, I am elated about the opportunities I get to offer my students. 


Richard Branson quoted “Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming”. John Quincy Adams also quoted

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”